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Youths in Africa should be empowered agents of change to achieve sustainable development goals agenda 2030, technological innovation, social change, and improving the livelihood of the planet. 

Most youths lack the understanding and working of foreign policy and lack the motivation to engage in the political process due to marginalization hence the adaptation to survivalist tactics which involve moving in search of greener pastures across borders.

To achieve the agenda 2030 and 2063 is time the governments come together to mobilize and educate youths as the force required to achieve change.

How do we enhance and promote innovation?

 Africa is considered a youthful continent with a population of sixty percent. The population of youths in Africa accounts for a significant proportion essential for economic growth and development, the youth struggle to find relevance in a society that offers disappointing life prospects, and unemployment undermines their self-expression and systematically marginalizes their voice. 

Engaging youths are central to the successful implementation of the transformative 2030 agenda for sustainable development and agenda 2063 in Africa. To achieve this it is paramount to understand the needs, interests, and challenges and address challenges facing them through active involvement in projects and educating them on foreign policy.

Provided with the skills and opportunities needed to reach our potential, the youth can be a driving force for achieving sustainability and contributing to peace and security. Youth organizations need to be empowered and encouraged to actively participate in translating the 2030 and 2063 agenda into local, national, and regional policy. 

Youths play a significant role in monitoring and implementing the agenda as well as holding the government accountable. With adequate resources and political education and commitment, young people have the potential to transform the world in achieving sustainable development.
